Au In the beginning was the Word


    THE SIGNAL OF THE BREAD 1. The multiplication of  the loaves is a signal that marks Jesus´ disciple (Jn 6; Mt 14, 13-21; Mk 6, 32-44; Lk 9, 10-17). John´s evangel presents seven: the transformation of water into wine (2, 1-12), the recovery of the...

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    DEPENDENCE RELATIONSHIP 1.    The first Christian communities live inserted in the middle of a world of social relations, such as these are in the Jewish and Greco-Roman society of the first century. For instance, dependence relationship: man-woman,...

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    THE UNJUST MONEY 1. It looks evident: what belongs to oneself belongs to oneself. Nevertheless, according to the Gospel, private property is not an unconditional and absolute right. That this is so, we can see it in Saint Lukas´ parable about the...

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    NEW LAW OF ASSISTED REPRODUCTION 1.-  Let us see some precedents. The Law 35/1988 regulated by first time in Spain the application of assisted reproduction techniques like the Artificial Insemination (IA) or the Fecundation In Vitro (FIV), just like...

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    EUCHARIST, LIVING TRADITION 1. The present catechesis facilitates a revision of the Eucharistic celebration, the meeting of the community. When Saint Paul writes to the community of Corinth, he is worried about the good order in the assembly or...

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  • THE MAP OF LIFE (3334)

    THE MAP OF LIFE 1. On June the 27th , 2000, the news media put out the news in full page: “The world changes of era as the map of life has been found” (La Vanguardia). “The reading of the human genome opens a new era in the fight against illness”...

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    DEPENDENCY RELATIONSHIP 1. First Christian communities live immerse in a world of social relations, such as they are in the Jewish and Greek-Roman society of the first century. For instance, man-woman, parents-children, master-slaves dependency...

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  • COMMUNION PROBLEMS. Discernment (3515)

    COMMUNION PROBLEMSDiscernment 1. The evangel deals realistically with the communion problems that appear in the community and it shows us the way to confront them: prominences, scandals, grave sins, personal offences. The present catechesis picks up...

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  • A NEW WORLD. Be alert (3984)

    A NEW WORLD Be alert 1. The catechesis “A new world” is an introduction to the block of the New Creation, which (in the map) is in the diagonal that goes from the creation (V) to the new creation (VI). We recall it. The Catechumenal Project has four...

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  • YOU ARE MY PEOPLE. You will be my witnesses (3291)

    YOU ARE MY PEOPLE You will be my witnesses 1.     The experience of faith is a communitarian one. The experience of faith creates community, and the community is the appropriated space where the experience of faith grows. The Church is the mystery of...

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  • EXILE. The land shelters (3756)

    EXILEThe land shelters1. Let us see the biblical experience of the exile. The exile is the parting of a person from his land. It is the penalty close before the death penalty. As far the year 734 some Israelite cities go through that hard...

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  • CAIN AND ABEL (8043)

    CAIN AND ABELThe crime against the brother     1. - In the Bible, the world coming out of God´s hands is good (Gn 1 – 2), but from the original God´s project to our own experience a rupture is found: the presence of the evil. It is a constant in human...

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    GOOD NEWS IS PROCLAIMED TO THE POOR  1.- The Gospel is neither abstract nor neutral. Where there is poverty, misery or oppression, there is also Word of Liberation. As that day in Nazareth synagogue: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has...

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  • THE TIME HAS COME (3806)

    1. The evangelization of Jesus had begun on the edge of the Jewish world, in Galilee, but its destiny was Judea; and within Judea, Jerusalem; and within Jerusalem,  the temple, the apple of Jewish eyes, center of religious, political and economic...

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    1. Be what it may be the blindness of the man born blind (Jn 9), Church´s catechumenal and liturgical tradition has, at the end, seen there the process of all those who find the light called Christ. The blind’s passage is also a test which can be...

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  • THE BLESSED (3584)

    1. Faith experience involves joy, peace and happiness. It affects the inner sense of life. At the same time, we can recognise Christ’s presence in that peace that the world cannot give, a kind of joy that nobody can take away from us. He who never...

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  • CHURCH (3538)

    1.     The experience of faith is a communitarian one. If it is shared, the experience of faith creates community: “ The Word of God joins those who listen to it” (Lk 8,21). At the same time, the community is the appropriate way to develop the...

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  • YAHWE´S SERVANT (3381)

    Faith experience involves assuming the role of Yahwe’s servant. In the bible, the servant figure appears in the Book of Consolation (Is 4055) so-named because his first words: Console my people (40,1). The book is written after the prophet Isaiah,...

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    1. Faith experience, if it is authentic, implies also an option for the poor. We can question what this means: an option of social class? More than this option of social class? to give alms?, to give something extra?, to share?, to chose a life of...

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